
Marina Abromavic. Places of power

This set of works includes the never-before-shown series after which the exhibition as a whole is entitled, produced as a result of a trip Abramovic took to various Brazilian states, between December 2012 and February 2013.

From April 6 through May 16, 2015, Luciana Brito Galeria is presenting the exhibition Places of Power, by Marina Abramović (Belgrade, Serbia, 1946 – lives in New York), a key figure in the worldwide performance art scene. The show will feature about 30 artworks – including objects, photos, graffiti, drawings, video and recordings of performances – that reveal the strong link with Brazil that the artist has been constructing over the last decades. Since 1989, she has visited the country various times, studying crystals and precious stones and their influences on the human body and mind.

This set of works includes the never-before-shown series after which the exhibition as a whole is entitled, produced as a result of a trip Abramović took to various Brazilian states, between December 2012 and February 2013. Researching the borderlines between art and spirituality, the artist went to the state of Goiás, where she visited medium João de Deus and sacred places in the Alto Paraíso area. In Bahia, she attended Candomblé rituals and Nosso Senhor do Bomfim Church, and had experiences with shamanism, ayahuasca and Cariri Xocó Indian rituals. In the state of Minas Gerais, she deepened her knowledge concerning the power of Brazilian minerals.

From the Places of Power series, the show will feature portraits of the artist, such as Artist Portrait with a Candle and Artist Portrait with a Rose, along with various photos: Sleeping by the Fire Pit, Marina in Cave and Levitation in the Garden of Maitreya, among others. Her trip to Brazil also resulted in a documentary to be released later this year.

The show at Luciana Brito Galeria – which has been representing Marina Abramović since 2007 – also includes important artworks produced by the artist in the period spanning from the 1970s through the 1990s, including some being shown in Brazil for the first time. This is the case of the drawing series Brazil Sketchbook Drawings, made between 1991 and 1995, with studies for the making of her “Transitory Objects,” such as Shoes for Departure, made with Brazilian amethyst, which will also be presented in the show. The black-and-white photos that constitute the record of the performance Rhythm 5, from 1975, are moreover featured.

Image: invitation

Opening: Monday 6 April 2015

Luciana Brito Galeria
R. Gomes de Carvalho 842
São Paulo Brasil
CEP 04547-003

Opening Times
Tue to Sat – 10am to 7pm

dal 6/4/2015 al 16/5/2015
