Tag: Lartigue


Lartigue, la vie en couleurs

The exhibit “La vie en couleurs” (life in color) offers viewers a unique opportunity to delve into an unrevealed period of Jacques Henri Lartigue’s work: his colour snapshots. Until now a scant few have only rarely been displayed and for the greater part they remain unknown. In the past century Lartigue was considered as a genius of black and white. He is nevertheless a true artist when it comes to colour. Thus, our former perception of his work is shaken, yet in the end, broadened.

Life and colour, to Lartigue the two are inseparable. His early autochromes (1912-1927) and the ektachrome process he took up in the 50’s were a means to express the passionate joy he exuded, and as he said himself, “best suited to portray that which is charming and poetic”. The colour in the photographs taken during the final and long period of Lartigue’s life reflects a sense of unhindered leisure and delight and an increasingly carefree man.

Exhibtion presented from June, 24th 2015 to August, 30th 2015
Maison Européenne de la Photographie
5-7 rue de Fourcy
75004 Paris – France

Image: Florette. Vence, mai 1954. Photographie J. H. Lartigue © Ministère de la Culture – France / AAJHL

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