Camera d’Arte


Ugo Rondinone | nude in the landscape

Landscapes, suns, nudes, and still lifes—Ugo Rondinone‘s visual worlds transport the viewer into an unfamiliar reality. For his first solo exhibition in a museum in Austria, the multimedia conceptual and installation artist has devised a polyphonic, immersive cosmos.

Ugo Rondinone has been crossing boundaries between media and disciplines for more than 30 years. Works by the New York–based Swiss artist are often inspired by everyday issues and subjects that take on a poetic dimension through isolation, amplification, or specific material treatment. Ideas of Romanticism, the sublime, and transience resonate, as do the leitmotifs that define Rondinone’s work: figuration and abstraction, humans and nature, day and night, space and time. In highly artificial installations that cite art history and popular culture, the artist creates haunting moods that capture our modern-day attitude toward life.

nude in the landscape is Rondinone’s first solo show in an Austrian museum. With the genres “nude” and “landscape” cited in the title, the artist opens up a broad artistic and art historical space of signification that extends through different eras to our present day. As viewers step into a calm, almost meditative setting, a “landscape tableau” made up of several elements unfolds before them.

At the center of the exhibition is a monumental statement: two standing landscapes with sunrise and sunset (2021), the title of Rondinone’s oversized two-part work created specifically for this show. Standing over four meters tall, these “walls” are 16 and 18 meters wide respectively and weigh several tons; they can be read both as picturess and as sculptures. The two circular sections placed at different heights denote a sunrise and sunset. Juxtaposed against the landscapes are 14 life-size nudes (2010/11), wax casts of dancers, captured in a moment of contemplation and indifferent repose. Each figure consists of up to twenty segments, with earth pigments from different continents mixed into the material to produce a variety of color gradations. Also part of this atmospheric setting are the series poems (2003–2021), the work winter cloud (2019) and a series of clocks without hands: red clock(2016), blue clock (2016) and yellow clock (2016). A transparent gray foil work on the glass façade of the Belvedere 21, titled when the sun goes down and the moon comes up (2021), blurs the boundaries between day and night, interior and exterior, art and nature. The romantic longing to capture a particular fleeting moment, or rather to suspend time by artistic means, permeates the entire exhibition.

Curated by Axel Köhne

Ugo Rondinone
nude in the landscape
December 12, 2021–May 1, 2022

Belvedere 21
Arsenalstrasse 1
1030 Vienna
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 11am–6pm

T +43 1 795570

Image: View of Ugo Rondinone: nude in the landscape, Belvedere 21, Vienna, 2022. Photo: Stefan Altenburger, Courtesy studio rondinone

Ugo Rondinone. Akt in der Landschaft / nude in the landscape
Editors: Stella Rollig, Axel Köhne
Authors: Laura Hoptman, Axel Köhne, Stella Rollig
Graphics: Willi Schmid
Verlag Buchhandlung Walther & Franz König
Approx. 112 pages, 150 illustrations
Format: 31 × 24 cm
German & English in one volume
ISBN 978-3-903114-99-9
Price: 29.80 EUR
Available from February 2022

Press contact: Irene Jäger, / T +43 1 79 557-185


FABIO MAURI. Opere dall’Apocalisse

VIASATERNA ospita in esclusiva uno straordinario progetto espositivo: FABIO MAURI. Opere dall’Apocalisse.

La mostra, a cura di Francesca Alfano Miglietti, raccoglie per la prima volta una collezione di dipinti e disegni su carta provenienti dallo Studio Fabio Mauri: emozioni e visioni dell’artista che ha fatto dell’ideologia un materiale dell’arte.

Il progetto, organizzato in collaborazione con lo Studio Fabio Mauri e Hauser & Wirth, si muove su un registro espositivo che costituisce un itinerario unitario e coerente: un percorso intimo, in una raccolta di disegni, dipinti e fotografie che si presentano come vere e proprie opere su carta, e che comprendono la serie pressoché inedita dell’Apocalisse (degli anni Ottanta), degli Scorticati e alcuni Dramophone, in cui l’immagine del disco come “mondo già inciso” richiama il tema della predestinazione.

Il significato primo di “apocalisse” è “rivelazione”, gettar via ciò che copre, togliere il velo, letteralmente “scoperta” o “disvelamento”, e Mauri, in queste opere, sembra voler rintracciare nel Caos una poeticità che indaga l’apocalisse non come ‘fine’ ma come incontro. Mauri non indietreggia mai, ma si attesta tra le pieghe di una linea che silenziosamente tocca l’interdetto, il proibito.

Fabio Mauri (1926-2009), che ha conosciuto in prima persona abissi, lacerazioni e inganni delle ideologie del Novecento, è considerato un esponente d’indiscusso rilievo delle neo-avanguardie della seconda metà del XX secolo. La sua attività è molto estesa e comprende installazioni, performance, teatro e scrittura. Autore di una personalissima indagine, durata tutta la vita, sull’insidiosa logica dell’arte, dell’ideologia e del totalitarismo, Mauri esplora la Storia filtrandola attraverso la lente del privato.

Via Leopardi, 32
20123 Milano

T. +39 02 36725378

Orari di apertura:
Lunedì – Venerdì
12.00 – 19.00
Su appuntamento

Dal 17 dicembre 2021 all’1 aprile 2022
Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 12 alle 19

Chiusa dal 24 dicembre 2021 al 2 gennaio 2022 e il 6 gennaio 2022

Immagine in evidenza: Fabio Mauri, The End, 1960, acrilico su carta, 50×70


DOMENICO GNOLI, la retrospettiva alla Fondazione Prada di Milano

Mi servo sempre di elementi dati e semplici, non voglio aggiungere o sottrarre nulla. Non ho neppure avuto mai voglia di deformare: io isolo e rappresento.
Domenico Gnoli

La mostra si presenta come una retrospettiva che riunisce più di 100 opere realizzate da Domenico Gnoli (Roma, 1933 – New York, 1970) dal 1949 al 1969 e altrettanti disegni. Una sezione cronologica e documentaria con materiali storici, fotografie e altre testimonianze contribuisce a ricostruire il percorso biografico e artistico di Gnoli a più di cinquant’anni dalla sua scomparsa. La ricerca alla base del progetto concepito da Germano Celant è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con gli archivi dell’artista a Roma e Maiorca, custodi della storia personale e professionale di Gnoli.

Questa retrospettiva si inserisce in una sequenza di mostre di ricerca che Fondazione Prada ha dedicato a figure di outsider come Edward Kienholz, Leon Golub e William Copley, difficilmente assimilabili alle principali correnti artistiche della seconda metà del Novecento. L’obiettivo è esplorare la pratica di Gnoli e leggere la sua attività come un discorso unitario e libero da etichette, documentando connessioni con la scena culturale internazionale del suo tempo e suggerendo risonanze con la ricerca visiva contemporanea. “Domenico Gnoli” sviluppa inoltre le intuizioni di chi, in passato, ha interpretato l’artista dal punto di vista storico e critico in modo originale, riconoscendo l’ispirazione che Gnoli ha trovato nel Rinascimento ed evidenziando il valore narrativo delle sue opere.

L’allestimento progettato dallo studio 2×4 di New York per i due piani del Podium evoca la disposizione e le caratteristiche di ambienti museali novecenteschi tracciando prospettive lineari che dividono lo spazio espositivo in una sequenza di nuclei monografici. Le opere dell’artista sono raggruppate in serie tematiche, grazie alle quali è possibile riconoscere come ogni opera abbia generato altri suoi lavori in una coerente direzione espressiva. I dettagli carichi di significato dipinti da Gnoli suggeriscono nella mostra enigmatiche biografie degli oggetti rappresentati e testimoniano la convinzione dell’artista nel perseguire la propria ricerca in una radicale rilettura della rappresentazione classica.

Fondazione Prada
20139 MILANO
T. +39 02 5666 2611

28 Ott 2021 – 27 Feb 2022

Immagine in evidenza: Domenico Gnoli, Fondazione Prada Milano, 2021. Ph. Amalia Di Lanno


Richard Long

Richard Long, one of the most important British artists, has changed the way we look at sculpture. In his work he rearranges natural materials such as stone and wood into primal forms that reference the cosmos and the universe.

Curator: Eva Wittocx

Richard Long has primarily made walking the medium for his art, with nature and wilderness landscapes his main inspiration. During his long walks around the world, he often makes sculptures along the way, marks of passage and transformation. His work in geometric shapes emphasise both the order and diversity of the cosmos. They can be considered as metaphors for existence and reflect his ideas about travel, places, distance, time, space and movement.

The artist is fascinated by both contemporary ideas and prehistory. He uses classical geometric forms like lines and circles which he makes in relation to mountains, deserts, coastlines, grasslands, rivers and snowy landscapes. Transience is an important aspect of his works in nature. He mainly uses rougher volcanic rocks, driftwood, water, sometimes slate, as well as his own footsteps. The indoor mud works made with his own handprints can be seen as relating to prehistoric cave paintings. Richard Long describes each work as simple in itself, although complexity is added through the various media he uses: photography, text works, sculptures, books, drawings and mud works.

At M, Richard Long will present a selection of sculptures with stones and driftwood, text works, photography and two new mud works.

Richard Long (°1945) is an English artist who lives and works in Bristol. He studied art at Saint Martin’s School of Art in London. In 1976, he participated in the Venice Biennale. He has won several prestigious awards and took part in an impressive range of exhibitions all over the world. His work is part of the most important private and museum collections.

The exhibition Richard Long at M Leuven is part of BANG!—the city festival around the discovery of the Big Bang theory

Richard Long
October 22, 2021–March 20, 2022

M Leuven 
L. Vanderkelenstraat 28 
B–3000 Leuven
Hours: Thursday 11am–10pm,
Friday–Tuesday 11am–6pm
T +32 16 27 29 29

Image: Richard Long, Quiet Skies Circle, 2020. Delabole slate, 11 x 220 x 220 cm. © Richard Long. Courtesy of Lisson Gallery

source: e-flux


Rebecca Horn

The Kunstforum Wien celebrates Rebecca Horn with the first comprehensive retrospective of her works in Austria in almost thirty years.

Curated by Bettina M. Busse, the exhibition focuses on the interrelationships in various media between the diverse genres throughout Horn’s oeuvre and will present a wide-ranging and insightful view into her artistic practice. Rebecca Horn is regarded as one of the most extraordinary and versatile artists of her generation. Horn achieved fame in 1972 as the youngest participant in documenta 5, titled Individual Mythologies, which was curated by Harald Szeemann. Throughout her practice Horn has created a body of work which constitutes an ever-growing flow of performances, films, sculptures, spatial installations, drawings, and photographs. The essence of their imagery comes out of the tremendous precision of the physical and technical functionality she uses to stage her works within a particular space.

Throughout her over fifty-year career, Horn has created her own symbolically charged cosmos in which reality and fiction overlap, and dualisms such as material: spirit, subject: object, and male: female are transgressed. Her works make up an expanding web of objects, motifs, and themes that she revisits in new light. In doing so Horn interweaves numerous traditions of art, literature, and film, along with mythology and fairy tales.

On the occasion of the exhibition, a new catalogue will be published by Hatje Cantz, with texts by Bettina M. Busse, Emma Lavigne, Chus Martinez, and Marta Smolinska, edited by Ingried Brugger and Bettina M. Busse.

Kunstforum Wien, Vienna, Austria
Rebecca Horn

28.09.2021 – 23.01.2022

Cover Image: Ausstellungsansicht Rebecca Horn, Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien, 2021, Foto: Gregor Titze/ Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien © Rebecca Horn, Bildrecht Wien, 2021